You get some Neural Network Results

You ran your algorithm, it matched things up, and it looks like the good ole engineers of Keras or Sklearn or wherever you got your canned neural network code picked some okay parameters for fitting to some pretty odd data. You’re not sure if you helped the increased panda fertility rate because of your crafty neural network trained on clean data or if the US is just putting more work in this matchmaking service. Good thing you don’t need to know what’s going on in that black box to accept that fat government check. Kaching! Thanks Baby Jesus for blessing us with that

Try Again?

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Published by B McGraw

B McGraw has lived a long and successful professional life as a software developer and researcher. After completing his BS in spaghetti coding at the department of the dark arts at Cranberry Lemon in 2005 he wasted no time in getting a masters in debugging by print statement in 2008 and obtaining his PhD with research in screwing up repos on Github in 2014. That's when he could finally get paid. In 2018 B McGraw finally made the big step of defaulting on his student loans and began advancing his career by adding his name on other people's research papers after finding one grammatical mistake in the Peer Review process.

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